Tuesday, June 29, 2021


hello bloggers, i am going to talk about tech tech is a thing my school has every tuesdays and wednesdays, tech is a subject with different career rotations like food, workshop, science, visual art and robotics. I'm in science we do different experiments every day and the next tech i am going to is fod.

would you want to do tech?

Friday, June 25, 2021

thanks nurses

hello bloggers, this week in room 5 we have been learning about the care that was given to soldiers by nurses, medics, dentists, plastic surgeons and animals that served in WW1. They were very helpful and brave to soldiers by helping them with supplys, messages, food, water and helping the wounded soldiers. after reading the text we imagined we were the soldiers and to write a letter to thank the nurses.

have you heard about what nurses done in the war?

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

dawn raids

 hello bloggers today I have learnt about the dawn raids that have happened between 1974-1976, it was a civil war, revolutionary war that had happened because the police were being racist and they wanted all the polynesians to go back to their country. They would go to polynesian peoples houses and go in the house to see if they were overstayers or not. It was a very sad time because the polynesian's had to go through all that harm.

What do you think about this?

Thursday, June 10, 2021


 Hello Bloggers This week me and my reading group have learnt how to visualize the 5 senses of how characters felt.  We did See, Hear, Smell, Taste and feel, We did different stories one of them was

  • Chunuk Bair
  • Gallipoli War Diary
have you ever read these stories ?

Friday, June 4, 2021

empathising with characters

 hello bloggers this week i empathised characters from different books and videos about samoa for samoan language week. I empathised their feelings and emotions, what happened in the story, techniques used to display and why they were feeling that way. 

the storys i read and videos i watched were 

hungry wave

1918 samoa & the talune - ship of death

christmas after the cyclone

samoan language week

 hello bloggers this week was samoan language week. we done alot of stuff involving samoa we did volleyball competition, sapasui, rice and pork buns and our learning was also about samoan culture. today we had a assembly and most of the classes had to do a item or a video.